Friday, 20 September 2019


Words are weightless when
Devoid of substance
Yet can crush
With entomological denotation
Conflicting with connotation
Empty without act
The actor’s script
Mundane; a work of fiction
Creates the narrative by which we live and perish
Out of sync with our mortal carriage
The body; a separation of church, spirit and state
Decapitated thoughts that plunder hope while aspiring
To American Dreams
The thought, the spirit and corporeal form
A sinewy mix of chemicals and flesh
Heavy with fluid
Unlike the weightless words;
Weighed down ; chained by inertia, apathy and gravitational forces-
Self-talk platitudes and
Make merry memes and technicolor pills
Knee-scraped off the wagon and scrambling
Back on, ragged, raw, real… if anything can actually be
All is manifest
Not taking the time to deal with the deluge of dust
Made muddy when our sacks release
Etching rivulets down dirt streaked cheeks; that emotional river, salient, sting
Wipe away, wipe away; smearing their channels in hopes of not repeating
But is it the mask I remove; exposed the callow of character; an naked actor,
Is there such a thing as self and an actual I?
Or is it self-immolation and erasing of memory?
Not that we ever really knew to know
These things, highs, lows, ebb and flow
Crushed by weightless words as they wind a noose
Choking the lines, blood flow stops
Brain fades brown
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down

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