Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Disdain For Winter

Crispness cuts
Beneath my clothes
Burning ears and frozen nose
Thoughts transpose from summer mind
To winter’s grip and fold
The cold in my bones
Never abates
The mercury plunge;

Need to alleviate
The short dark days
With some sort of light of my own
The things in life we can’t control:
Getting sick or growing old
The weather and seasons past
Continuous momentum
Seems frozen, fast
The wrong moments lasting forever
This is how perception lies
Wind teared up, watery eyes
Being present, breath,
Nose drips on glove, slid on sleeve

The Tao teaches to go with the flow
Trapped in the cracks of ice-dammed river road
Paddles useless
Walk on water
Ego complex, messianic muse;
Waiting for the Spring
Which never really came this year,
Summer too
Dark, wet drear

Waiting for that time of year
For sun’s warmth upon my aging visage
Of singing birds and magpies call
So my limbs flow freely
Instead of stiff and dry
Thoreau’s Walden, Genesis’ Eden
The places I want to go
Walk along the Oceanside in San Diego or Mexico

A place of warmth, compassion and harmony
To mind the season’s as they come and go
The tuft of sheepdog fur
Massaged by my hand
Sat beneath full foliaged tree
A book, a drink, held in my hand
Blowing blooms of cloud into blue sky, free
And sit in the circle,
An equal part-
Not the begin or middle
The sound of kettle on the hob
Of bodhrans, pipes, guitars and fiddles
Away from the traffic’s roar
And congested streets which I deplore
The society that can be such a whore…

Need to alleviate
The short dark days
With some sort of light of my own
Nature is my source
To fan the spark is desirable,
With the right person of course!
Who will come with me along this way
Endure both bright and dismal day
To find piece in the affray
The heights of passion, lows of dismay?

Winter, welcome, again my terse old friend
Who marks the finality of Summer-Fall’s end
May the weary world rest while fixed
Within your grip
Until Springtime starts it’s hopeful drip
To bloom and blossom back to life
And mark the end of winter’s strife
As crispness cuts
Beneath my clothes
Burning ears and frozen nose
Grateful for every ounce of warmth
That radiate from parka, a smile
And the hope of acceptance.

Fan the spark into a flame; to light my way
And incandescence fill my being
As the universe guides my way
Stiff but yield unto icy current
Until a steady flow restores itself,
And I begin to move freely once again.

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Thoughts On the Second Anniversary of My Mother’s Death

Thoughts On the Second Anniversary of My Mother’s Death

Two years today
You returned to the source;
Mother, from whence I came
My origins contained
In the crematorium urn; reminder of
Our dusty nature-
How parts of us emit about our world, clinging to all that we encounter;
Always leaving some of our selves.
The sperm and egg that begat my flesh and bone;
The universal spirit slides
Intentions and abundance
This is our life; brief in this case, vase, this form, this vehicle
But long after the dust is sealed by sandy tegument
Or polished, smooth urn rests
Our actions; our only true possession
Carries a legacy;
The DNA/RNA weave, serpent like ouroboros
Rainbows and rain; flowers mashed by manic storms
Slamming seeds into earth;
Violence of the big bang begets the beauty that abounds
In the brevity that is our moment; connecting us all

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Monday, 21 October 2019

Peaceful Journey

Each footfall
Is where you are going
The contradiction of movement and the present
Frames flicker as each moment
Begets the next; perpetual being
Briefly then gone but
Still here, caught from cagey eye corner
The complexity of motion when the present
Remains constant but
Nothing is standing still…. What matter is it whether my sole strikes
Mountain summit? Beginning, ending or middle of the trail?
Here is where we will always be
And Shiva destroys our illusions
Of permanence; “All that remains the same is change
Om namah Shiviya
To be unsettled; to settle;
Convention’s contradictions
Always moving but always here
The dimensions helix-serpent coil around matter and thought
Wherein there is light
Penetrating dark
To be and not to be and to be again
Breath’s perpetual mating with universe
Until last one is drawn and we disperse;
Shape shift of form
Into new configurations;
No dying, death; all is life in flux
The great illusion we call life;
Often a tormentor, as we view through
Gushing water; rapids on the retina; emotions defining us
When they should be cast into the salient sea of tears
But, when we encounter the clarity of peace
Through pranayama – the breath unites us secure
And we can see that we have both always and never been;
The illusions of our perceptions flirtations with reality
And through the moments we reincarnate an infinite cycle
Within a universe that has created us and all things;
Breathe, be, see the light
That our life-force is; our truest nature;
Free of body and possession –  Spirit fueled
Shalom, salam, shanti, peace

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Friday, 18 October 2019

Breath of Being

Breath of Being

Follow the breath;
Friction of inhale
Through nose lining, warm and chaffing throat
With a gentleness like the river that flows through the valley;
Lungs expand with
Elastic tension, a tepid humidity, rising chest lifting torso
As if a balloonist rises in their craft
Belly inflates like a balloon
Hold and release…release
In the positive and universal energy-
Exhale, disseminating the stress and shards of self
Back into
Infinite universe
To be re-charged
And join with the whole.
This connects me to you and eradicated space;
Joined as one;
Our minds and energy navigate
The flurry of elements conjoining all things
We are one
Connected by space,
United in breath
Connected through our energy
And our part within the circle’s infinite loop
That which divides us
Is as much an illusion
As all life tends to be;
The projector of our narrative;
The ego-self
That makes many believe
We are the circle’s center
Like the finger inside a ring
Separate from the object, easily removed
But denial begets not truth
And our beliefs are subjective to our journey
And we must realise
The worthlessness of material things
In our self-completion;
Our perspective shifts back to the breath
And that which unites;
The light… the light….
The light within us all
Requires the breath
As we are the fuel, hope sparks our fire
The breath fans the passion for life
And illuminates
To illustrate
The beauty in and of all things.
Follow the breath;
Friction of inhale
Through nose lining, warm and chaffing throat
With a gentleness like the river that flows through the valley;
Lungs expand with
Elastic tension, a tepid humidity, rising chest lifting torso
As if a balloonist rises in their craft
Belly inflates like a balloon
Hold and release…release
In the positive and universal energy-
Exhale, disseminating the stress and shards of self
Back into
Infinite universe
To be re-charged
And join with the whole.

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Thursday, 17 October 2019


Celebrate the Present; Be Grateful for the moment

I Am Water

I Am Water

Rain drop to river joins,
Routed to the sea
The drop journeys
But stays self-same
One can not be lost
When to the source
We are rejoined
Though our salientness
May alter and our
Temperature may adjust by degrees
Even when solid ice or wafting steam;
Mist or fog
The drop remains itself
The memory of water
Imprinted with silt and varied terrain;
Demonstrates to stone the stronger
Where soft sacrifices the solid, stone
Erode and shaping landscape
But without malice
For the flow and motion is what we are,
Like landscapes ever changing
Forced upon flames to extinguish the furnace of fires flickering energy
Spread into the atmosphere, the universe,
Earth, air and ocean
There within it all
A constant
The self free of rigidity
As even the most
Solid of ice surrenders itself
After holding for a short while
Vapor, condensation, the drop reforms
Falling to the earth,
Flow to the river
And join the sea
This is our unity
The whole that binds is as well
The surging surf or refreshing shower
The nourishment to all living things
I am water
Eternal I shall flow.

Edmonton, AB, Canada